Coming Soon...
Currently Talking Hands is on it's festival run. Showing at Florida Film Festival and more to come. 
   Michel, a deaf carpenter from Lebanon reflects on his journey and how that has impacted his outlook on life today.
   Currently Living in Boynton Beach Florida, Michel spent the first thirty years of his life in Lebanon. He reflects on those times being very hard as there was a civil war going on since he was 11. Lucky for him he couldn’t hear the ceaseless bombings and gunfire because when he was six years old he forever lost his hearing.
   To his family's disbelief, the realization was made that he needed to be put in a deaf school. This was possibly the best thing that happened to him because he learned how to communicate through sign language.
   Michel finished school at 16 and was shunned away from most professions due to being deaf. This didn’t stop him from learning carpentry just by looking. While he was told just to sand and sweep, he watched and learned. Fast forward 20 years and Michel now owns a successful carpentry business in the United States.
   Obviously, it didn’t just happen overnight! There were plenty of ups and downs but all crafted him into who he is today. He can look back at his life and family and smile because he defied the odds.